Becoming Catholic
If you have decided that becoming Catholic is for you, we are here to accompany you on a journey to discover
… the Bible,
… the Creed,
… the Mass and the Sacraments …
and why all of it—Christ himself—will change your life!
The path to becoming Catholic begins by plunging into a 2000-year-old experience
… of hearing and pondering the Good News of Jesus Christ,
…. of learning how other Christians everywhere and across centuries have lived their faith,
… of participating in the extraordinary rituals of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist
that will make you a full member of the Catholic Church.
This is our story as told in our prayer life...
- Kull mexxej għandu jiftakar f’dan il-ġest ta’ Ġesù – l-Arċisqof L-Arċisqof jaħsel ir-riġlejn
- L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna iċċelebra quddiesa bis‑sagrament tal‑magħmudija tal‑adulti, fil‑Knisja Parrokkjali tal‑Madonna tad‑Duluri, San Pawlil‑Baħar – 25/08/20 Aktar ritratti: