A Journey in Seven Steps

Step 1
Listen to the invitation of Jesus, ponder it in your heart and share about your desire to become Catholic with a spiritual guide. Take your time … there is no rush… but do not give up on the desire in your heart. Let it speak to you … listen!
When you are ready, contact us. Or ask your spiritual guide to do it on your behalf!

Step 2
Catechists in the RCIA programme of formation will answer all your questions and help you start your journey as a seeker or Catechumen in the Catholic Church.
We welcome a new group of seekers every September… but are happy to meet you at any point during the year!

Step 3
Together we will enter a period of reflection, study and prayer in a small community of Catechists and fellow Catechumens. This is known as the Catechumenate.
It will be your time to learn all about the Church, the Bible, the Creed, the Sacraments, the Christian Life, and the yearly rhythm of Catholic prayer known as the liturgical year

Step 4
As Lent approaches, you’ll be asked whether you feel ready to become a member of the Elect of the Church for the last phase of your spiritual preparation.
Your preparation will include various rituals in the Christian community that will prepare you for the most important step of receiving the Sacraments of Initiation.

Step 5
You will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil through the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion
During this special night you will be baptised with water, dressed with the white garment, anointed with oil, and will receive for the first time the Body and Blood of Christ as Bread and Wine.

Step 6
You will continue to celebrate with the Church the joy of becoming a Christian during the whole period of Easter.
On Pentecost Sunday your period of post-baptismal formation known as Mystagogy will come to its conclusion.

Step 7
Finally, continue to Live your Christian life with all of us, fellow pilgrims seeking to be merciful and holy as God is holy!
- L-Għoti tas-Sagrament tal-Griżma tal-Isqof lil adoloxxenti fil-parroċċa ta’ Hal Għargħur – 12/07/20 Aktar ritratti: knisja.mt/ritratti
- http://www.newsbook.com.mt/artikli/2018/4/7/live:-l-ordinazzjoni-presbiterali-ta-9-sacerdoti-godda.73529/
- L‑Arċisqof Charles Scicluna iċċelebra quddiesa bis‑sagrament tal‑magħmudija tal‑adulti, fil‑Knisja Parrokkjali tal‑Madonna tad‑Duluri, San Pawlil‑Baħar – 25/08/20 Aktar ritratti: knisja.mt/ritratti